Welcome to this monthly recap of my latest articles and videos from last month along with other resources that will help you create more effective PowerPoint presentations and deliver them on virtual platforms like Zoom and Teams. Follow the links below to access each item.
My latest articles and videos
Timeline visual templates in Excel from Microsoft
Quantifying prospect pain or cost of the problem on a virtual sales call using a spreadsheet
Create a sliding timeline visual in PowerPoint to show many time periods or events (includes video)
Share the Slide Show window instead of your single screen when using PowerPoint on Teams or Zoom (includes video)
3 Tips for virtual presenters from Adele’s One Night Only TV special
The biggest mistake salespeople make using the company standard PowerPoint deck
Decide to stop sharing your PowerPoint slides in a virtual sales meeting to engage the prospect
Find a window that is hidden on your Windows desktop (YouTube shorts video)
Display Presenter View Preview in PowerPoint (Windows) (YouTube shorts video)
Pause and Resume sharing in Zoom (YouTube shorts video)
Switch what you are sharing in Zoom (YouTube shorts video)
Still relevant and popular resource
It is common to include a table from Excel on a slide in PowerPoint. Since many Excel tables are regularly changing due to updated data, my article on automatic updating of Excel tables in PowerPoint continues to be a popular one on my website.
Resources from other experts
When you are creating a PowerPoint template for your organization, there is no better reference than the recently updated book from fellow PowerPoint MVPs Julie Terberg and Echo Swinford. Their Building PowerPoint Templates version 2 is the gold standard.
If you want to know when I publish new articles, follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn. To get notified of new videos, subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Dave Paradi has over twenty-two years of experience delivering customized training workshops to help business professionals improve their presentations. He has written ten books and over 600 articles on the topic of effective presentations and his ideas have appeared in publications around the world. His focus is on helping corporate professionals visually communicate the messages in their data so they don’t overwhelm and confuse executives. Dave is one of fewer than ten people in North America recognized by Microsoft with the Most Valuable Professional Award for his contributions to the Excel, PowerPoint, and Teams communities. His articles and videos on virtual presenting have been viewed over 4.8 million times and liked over 17,000 times on YouTube.