Learning from a video of your presentation; Issue #404 December 12, 2017

When my workshop participants ask how they can improve their presentation skills, I often suggest videotaping a presentation and watching it. You don’t need any fancy equipment these days to do this, your smartphone will give you a good quality video. In presentation skills training they videotape you presenting and a coach reviews it with…

6 ways to save time creating a presentation; Issue #403 November 28, 2017

As my latest survey indicated, professionals are creating and delivering more presentations each year. In a recent survey of incoming MBA students at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, two-thirds of the respondents said they presented on a daily or weekly basis. If professionals don’t figure out how to create effective presentations more efficiently, they will…

Document or Presentation? How to choose; Issue #401 October 31, 2017

One of the key results from my latest survey on annoying PowerPoint presentations was that too often professionals are presenting a document on the screen as a presentation. This overwhelms the audience, leaving them confused and upset. Professionals feel they need to include more and more content in their presentations to satisfy the requests of…