FinancialViz Makeover: Table of metrics to 3 visuals based on the message for each metric

This makeover is based on a recent example from a session I delivered at a conference in Philadelphia. I commonly see tables of related metrics in the slides from the participants in my FinancialViz training courses. In this video I show you how to turn the table into 3 visuals, each one based on the…


Thanks for attending my pre-conference session at P2F2 2022 in Philadelphia. Below are some resources to further your skills on some of the topics I covered during the session. These are the types of skills I teach in my customized live virtual FinancialViz training courses. Create charts that are easy to update and re-use This…

Fixing the “Values don’t add to 100% because of rounding” issue in Excel pie charts & tables

Too often I see a footnote on an Excel chart or table in a presentation that says “the values don’t add to 100% because of rounding.” Sometimes the values don’t add to 100% and there is no footnote, it just appears to be a mathematical mistake. Both of these situations cause doubt in the mind…