Fixing the “Values don’t add to 100% because of rounding” issue in Excel pie charts & tables

Too often I see a footnote on an Excel chart or table in a presentation that says “the values don’t add to 100% because of rounding.” Sometimes the values don’t add to 100% and there is no footnote, it just appears to be a mathematical mistake. Both of these situations cause doubt in the mind…

Why “We’ll send one person to a public course and then they can train the entire department” doesn’t actually improve productivity

Instead of investing in a customized training course on a key software tool for a group of employees, too many managers think the cheap route will work. They send one person on a public course with the instruction that when they get back they will teach the rest of the group what they learned. The…

Use critical thinking skills to accurately interpret a graph (& create accurate graphs yourself)

When you look at a graph, you immediately interpret the message using the visual cues in the graph. If one column is twice as tall as another column you deduce that the value of the taller column is double that of the shorter column. When looking at graphs we need to use our critical thinking…