ICAO course: How to Present Financial Data Effectively using PowerPoint (July 10, 2013, Toronto)

Accountants often use PowerPoint to present financial data to peers, executives, suppliers, and others. It is critical that others understand the impact of the financial analysis so that decisions can be made and the bottom line positively impacted. Unfortunately, too often the barrage of numbers is overwhelming to the audience and they leave confused. This…

102 Tips to Communicate More Effectively Using PowerPoint

You create and deliver presentations regularly. Your success depends on those presentations being effective. You use PowerPoint, but know that you could be more effective. You don’t have time to attend a course and you sure don’t want a thick technical manual. You’d love to find practical, proven tips that you can apply right away to make a difference in your next presentation. I’ve got just what you are looking for.

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The Globe and Mail July 2, 2012

Dave’s tip on helping color blind people understand a dashboard slide easier was featured in The Globe and Mail here (July 2, 2012)

The Visual Slide Revolution

You’ve had enough of the overloaded text slides that most presenters use. You’ve seen a few people use visuals instead of bullet paragraphs and it is so much more effective. But you figure that you’d need some graphic design training and thousands of dollars of software and equipment to create visuals for your presentations.

Not so.

There is an easy five step method that will show you how to create persuasive visuals using the software you already have. Get ready to join The Visual Slide Revolution.

The Globe and Mail May 14, 2012

Dave’s tip on using standard fonts so that your text does not get garbled when the presentation is sent to someone else was featured in The Globe and Mail here (May 14, 2012)