1. PPT – Delivery Tips
During the delivery of a PowerPoint presentation, there is a lot you can do with the keyboard that will enhance the audience experience. Here are some of the keystrokes that you can use while in Slide Show mode. Ctrl+H – this key combination will prevent the pointer from coming up on the screen during the presentation if your mouse is moved. This can save you from having the arrow dancing across the screen while you are talking. A – pressing the A key during a presentation makes the pointer appear or disappear. If the pointer does appear on the screen during your presentation (because you forgot to use Ctrl+H above), the natural inclination is to press the Escape key – but this stops the presentation! Pressing the A key toggles the pointer on and off, so it can be used to turn the pointer off if it comes on. B – pressing the B key during a presentation turns the screen black, pressing it again returns you to where you were before. This can be very useful when you want to put the audience’s focus on you for a moment instead of your visuals. Down arrow, Pg Dn, Spacebar, N key, Right arrow, Left mouse click, Enter key – all of these advance to the next slide or animation build. Good to know in case you need an alternative way to get to the next slide. Up arrow, Pg Up, P key, Backspace key, Left arrow – all of these go to the previous slide or animation build.
2. HTML editor
In the past, I have talked about how sometimes it can be useful to know of a way to create or edit HTML pages without having to learn the intricacies of the HTML language. You can use commercial programs, but some of them cost a lot of money. I have learned of one that has good reviews and is a free download. It is called Nvu (pronounced “N-view”). It is an open source project and seems to offer many of the features of the higher priced packages. It is available for Windows, Mac or Linux, so whatever operating system you use, there is a version for you. Check it out at http://www.nvu.com.
3. Useful Resource – Government Pictures
In previous newsletters I have pointed you towards some libraries of photos taken by U.S. government agencies that are available for use with acknowledgement but no fee. I did a little more searching and have found another library of photos that you should look in to. It is from the US Geological Service and is it at: http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/photos.html. There are some great photos, and you can use them subject to the policy listed on their policy page at: http://www.usgs.gov/info_policies.html.