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Below are the most recent articles or resources I’ve published. If you are looking for help on a specific topics, it would best to look at the topics in my Articles archive as I have grouped my recent and best articles by topic there.

  • Canadian Government Executive June 3, 2013

    Dave’s books, The Visual Slide Revolution and Present It So They Get It were reviewed in the June issue of Canadian Government Executive here. Continue reading

  • Be prepared: VGA is going away; Issue #287 May 28, 2013

    For many years presenters have walked into a room and connected their laptop to the projector using a VGA cable. All that will change in the next two years. The VGA port is being phased out by computer manufacturers. In this article I want to suggest what presenters can do now to prepare for this…… Continue reading

  • Don’t judge a presentation by the number of slides; Issue #286 May 14, 2013

    When you open a PowerPoint file that has been sent to you, where do you look first? If you are like most people I speak to in my workshops, the first place you look is the lower left corner to see how many slides are in the file. Why do most people do this? Because…… Continue reading

  • Context Before Conclusion; Issue #285 April 30, 2013

    When you show a slide on the screen, the audience will naturally look at it and start to decipher it. When they believe they understand it, they turn back to the presenter to hear what they are saying. Notice the sequence. The audience comes to a conclusion about the meaning of the slide before they…… Continue reading

  • Word clues to better organize information; Issue #284 April 16, 2013

    With information overload being the number one issue for audiences today, how can presenters better organize their information so it is easier to understand? I see hundreds and hundreds of slides for each customized workshop I do as I create the slide makeovers for that group. I have come up with four clues that I…… Continue reading

  • Reduce the words in each point; Issue #283 April 2, 2013

    In my latest book, Present It So They Get It, I provide five strategies for reducing the information in your presentation down to just what the audience needs to know. Information overload is the single biggest issue in presentations today, and in my workshops, this section on reducing information overload is always a popular one…… Continue reading

  • Raise the average two slides at a time; Issue #282 March 19, 2013

    At the end of my workshops, I ask the participants if they have practical ideas that they can implement immediately to improve the effectiveness of their slides. Without exception, they all say that they have plenty of ideas they can use. In fact, the challenge is that they feel overwhelmed with everything they want to…… Continue reading

  • Testing your slides; Issue #281 March 5, 2013

    What does the audience think when they see a spelling error or other mistake on your slides? They start to wonder if you really took the time to look at your slides before you presented and they question how much you care about delivering a great presentation for them. A lot of the mistakes I…… Continue reading

  • Five tips for preparing financial slides; Issue #280 February 19, 2013

    Financial information is a part of many presentations today. Whether you are presenting the budget for next year, current project spending status, or any other financial information, resist the temptation to just copy a spreadsheet and paste it on a slide. Copied spreadsheets overwhelm the audience and leave them confused. At the Presentation Summit last…… Continue reading

  • Design visuals vs. Content visuals; Issue #279 February 5, 2013

    Some presenters think that adding visuals, especially pictures, will instantly improve their slides. I agree that visuals can improve your slides, but only if those visuals help communicate your message more effectively. In this article I want to discuss the difference between design visuals and content visuals. Let me start by defining each of these…… Continue reading